Following a meeting this evening, the attendees agreed to use the CycleScape website to log, track and debate localised issues. You should sign up and flag up areas that are of concern to you for local safety or cycle infrastructure issues. We will use this information to formulate our campaign plan for 2014.
We are “claiming” locations up to 10 miles from Ipswich town centre.
If ever proof was needed of the effectiveness the Tim Steinberg’s MySociety experiment, it will be in my recent experiences of the website.
Following discussion with Des P, we agreed that something needed to be done with the kerb at the top of St Nicholas Street.
So on June 28th, I logged onto and reported the fault. You can submit a problem anonymously. You are encouraged to post a photo, which obviously would help enginers asses the problem remotely – saving time and money.
3 days later – survey evidence!
Just three days later, the site had been surveyed, as evidenced by the spray paint.
The fix
Now, just two weeks later, we’ve got a tarmac ramp, over the kerb. It doesn’t look like a long term fix, but it has already vastly improved the ride at that junction. What I impressed by is the convenience, anonymity and response that this site offers. Hats off to Ipswich highways for monitoring and responding to the alerts. Hopefully we can have a proper party when a more permanent fix is put in place.
What a great website! To report a fault in your street – road surface, signage, lighting, visit