Cycle Ipswich Meeting 14th July 2020 – Low traffic neighbourhoods


8:00 pm - 9:30 pm


Event Type

Leo has started some analysis of the Beelines cells we identified earlier to try to get some basis for prioritising in which areas traffic modal filtering should be applied.  It is based it on a piece of analysis that was done for TfL as part of the Streetspace for London initiative.
The way it works is to group the various data sets into two dimensions.  One represents a general measure of need, or applicability, based on things like population density, levels of deprivation, car ownership and numbers of schools.  The other is related to traffic within and around the area, accident rates for cyclists and pedestrians and cycling potential.  A cell that is relatively high on both of these ought to be a priority for filtering.
You can see the data analysis here and a map with some of the data applied to the cells here.
This will be a zoom meeting again.
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Meeting ID: 827 8793 9968
Password: quiet

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