
Cycle Ipswich Meeting 8th January 2015

The next Cycle Ipswich meeting will be on Thursday 8th January 2014 at 6:30pm at the ITO World offices, 2nd Floor, 25 Lower Brook Street, Ipswich, IP4 1AQ. The meeting is an hour earlier than normal, as a couple have a train to catch.

If there is anything that you would like to add to or change on the agenda, please get in touch on our mailing list.

January 2015 agenda

Notes from December 2014 meeting


Sky Ride 9 th September 2012

Sky Ride Sunday 9 th September !
I will be at Alderman Road from 8 am with Cycle Ipswich stand, Pink Sky Cycling also / Karoo Challenge Bicycle Amnesty ( bring along any old unloved bikes ) and Bicycle Doctoring for bikes feeling unwell on the day. If anyone would like to help out please come along ! See you there,…..